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The award-winning Shaker Heights High School student news organization

The Shakerite

The award-winning Shaker Heights High School student news organization

The Shakerite

The award-winning Shaker Heights High School student news organization

The Shakerite

Astrid Braun

Astrid Braun, Alumni (’19)

All content by Astrid Braun
SHHS PODL Guest Rite

[Photo] Podl Addresses Students

Jody Podl, Guest ‘Riter
November 13, 2018
Over 900 Students, teachers and community members filled the large auditorium Nov. 8.

Nov. 8 Community Meeting Transcript

Astrid Braun, Editor-in-Chief
November 12, 2018
Lewicki solves a megaminx puzzle at a Shaker Heights cubing competition. “I practice all day at every possible moment,” Phillip said. “I want to break the world record in at least one event. I want to be competing for world championship podiums for my main events.”

[Photo] The Speed Solver

Ashley Sah, Journalism II Reporter
May 25, 2018
SP Profile Izzy Mugshot RGB

[Photo] Izzy Ortman to the Rescue

Ana Butze, Spotlight Co-Editor
September 9, 2018

[Photo] Adults Need the Lesson in Twitter Etiquette

Emily Montenegro, Opinion Editor and Editorial Board Chairwoman
May 16, 2018
The reply-all chain that occurred Feb. 6 was less disruptive, with only 19 replies to the morning announcements email. These emails ranged from a multicolored picture sent repeatedly to The Constitution of the Russian Federation and the word “Goose.”

[Photo] “Oof!” They Did it Again

Katie Cronin, Journalism II Reporter
February 7, 2018
"Guidance counselors and the administration should focus on helping students find schools that fit with who they are as a student rather than what kind of ranking the school has,” senior Emma Duhamel said.

[Photo] Stress for Success

Annika Jankowsky, Journalism I Reporter
December 20, 2017
The American flag waves in front of the high school. “While the pledge does include the phrase ‘one nation under God,’ it does not specifically support or advocate for any specific religion," David Glasner, middle school  principal, said.

[Photo] A Pledge to What?

Grace Geier, Journalism I Reporter
December 11, 2017
For the first time, freshmen have Naviance accounts. “It made me realize that college is just around the corner, in a way,” said freshman Kate Hahnenberg.

[Photo] College Comes Ever Closer

Emerson Coffman, Journalism I Reporter
December 5, 2017
A Mano en Mano poster of the Puerto Rican flag on display in the upper cafeteria.

[Photo] Clubs Cooperate to Aid Puerto Rico

Isaac Van Orman, Journalism I Reporter
November 17, 2017
High school health teacher Kendra Agee-Barney teaches about menstruation in her classes. “There’s still a stigma, because people don’t want to talk about it,” she said. “Boys still don’t want to hear about it. You still hear the same jokes.”

The Modern Red Scare

Astrid Braun, Investigations Editor
May 28, 2017
"Students and allies, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation, need to do better," writes Baul. "We start by listening."

[Photo] So, What Can You Do?

Scott Baul, Guest ‘Riter
May 18, 2017
Starting times and bell schedules will not change next year, but early release Mondays will replace late start Tuesdays in 2018-19.

[Photo] Late Start Tuesdays Reach Late Stage

Mae Nagusky, Campus and City Editor
May 17, 2017
Concrete Jungle, Evan Yule

IB HL Visual Arts Exhibition

Astrid Braun, Investigations Editor
April 13, 2017
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