The Editorial Board of The Shakerite endorses Pam Scott and Doug Wang for the Shaker Heights Board of Education.

Pam Scott worked as a social worker at Cleveland Public Schools for 14 years. She spent four years working with K-8 students and families to improve their education. Her background of working closely with students will help her represent the voices of those who are affected most by the board’s decisions: students.
Scott later worked at the central office for Cleveland Public Schools, where her responsibilities included managing school improvement grants and federal title funds. Her experience with the specific money management needs of schools will be invaluable as a board member.
Throughout her campaign, Scott has emphasized the importance of engaging students and families. Scott said her goal as a board member would be to advocate for all Shaker families, especially those whose voices are underrepresented, such as those in the Moreland neighborhood, where she resides.

Doug Wang became prominent in Shaker because of his activism in the facilities planning process. Wang and his campaign treasurer, Kurt Miller, listened to community feedback and summarized the recommendations through a series of open letters to the community. The pair’s recommendations largely resemble the current facilities plan.
Wang’s 30 years of financial experience will help him make informed decisions about the district’s budget. Prior to retiring in 2011, Wang worked in investment management, including roles as a founding partner of Lakepoint Investment Partners and a senior vice president at Northern Trust.
Since retiring, Wang has dedicated himself to nonprofit board service. He currently serves as board chairman of Judson Services, Inc. and is vice chairman of both University Circle, Inc. and the Cuyahoga County Board of Health. He is also a board member of the Legal Aid Society of Cleveland and Policy Matters Ohio. In the past, he served on the boards of the St. Luke’s Foundation of Cleveland, Kenyon College, the Rainey Institute and the Shaker Schools Foundation.
This experience helps Wang understand the board’s role in decision-making and overseeing administration.
Both candidates recognize the need to correct for the consequences of the district’s “rip the BandAid off” approach to detracking. Both said the administration needs to work with teachers to determine what resources they need.
They also both support Issue 13, a 9.95-mill tax increase that is also on the ballot Nov. 7. The issue comprises funding for renovating elementary and middle schools, a permanent improvement levy for building maintenance, and funding for an expanded pre-K program.
Issues ranging from elective enrollment to detracking and facilities planning have brought community discourse in Shaker to a level we have not seen before. This election exemplifies that disconnect: There are four candidates, none of whom are incumbents, running for just two open seats. The editorial board commends all candidates for their commitment to helping the schools and community move forward.
The election for Shaker Heights City Schools District Board of Education will be held Nov. 7. The Shakerite encourages all eligible voters to go to the polls.
Before writing this endorsement, members of the Editorial Board researched and interviewed each candidate. All four candidates were asked the same series of questions. The board met seven times throughout the process and determined the endorsement by a secret ballot. The Editorial Board is led by Chairman Josh Levin and comprises Managing Editor Ruben Rippner, Opinion Editors Ingrid Holda and Olivia Cavallo and Design Editor Declan Teeter.