Letter to the Editor: Wonder, Growth and Understanding

Dear Editor:

I am an applicant for superintendent. I know our students will drive our fate as a community and as a planet. As a high school assistant principal, I was called to the school library in response to a disagreement between a student and a security monitor. I whispered to the student to please go to my office, and asked the monitor to join us. I invited them both to sit down. The student declined. The monitor asked whether I was going to accept “such disrespect.” I explained that the student was on a journey, as we all are, and that his standing for our discussion was demonstrating the respect I required. I realized that the monitor had referred to the young man as “son.” “I am not your son,” said the young man. As the student returned to class, I asked the monitor to join me with our security head. He explained that the young man had been a foster child since birth and that the reference to “son” might have hurt him deeply. The monitor thought for several minutes and said excitedly: “I just felt a whoosh. Do you know what I mean?” He explained that at that moment he understood where the young man was coming from. He allowed himself to be open to new information that helped him understand in new ways. “Whoosh” has stayed with me since. Wonder happens on our shared hearts. In wonder, comes growth, understanding and the courage to take risks.

Mx. Sauline

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