Volume 92 Women’s Edition: Editor’s Note
Editor’s Note: This story is a part of The Shakerite: Women’s Edition that was published virtually in May 2022. Due to a temporary change in the teacher adviser along with COVID-19 restrictions, The Shakerite decided to proceed with our print edition virtually. This is the Editor’s Note for this publication that will be followed by 10 stories.
This year was certainly a funky one, but at this point, isn’t every year? After being the Shakerite adviser since the 1997-1998 school year, Natalie Sekicky took a year long sabbatical to be able to research and further plan for improvements for our newspaper for years to come. I was scared for what The Shakerite would become during my senior year, and I was excited for the journey Ms. Sekicky would get to experience and so I continued on positively through this year.
Just how life always seems to do, everything worked out just as it should have. Victoria Schmidt was appointed the new Shakerite Adviser for the 2021-2022 year and our web article publication has been exceptional. I feel grateful for the experiences this year has given me.
With the change in leadership, the change in schedule and the official return for many students back into the building, publishing a print was concluded to be not possible with a clueless editor and a new adviser. I worried that with this decision, our writers would not be able to write deep and meaningful pieces that print editions always produce. As I sat in the newsroom and discussed with my peers, we all were able to bond over different topics ranging from Wordle to waking up late to the struggles of AP American Government. When March or Women’s month arrived this year, lots of us girls bonded over different experiences we have had being young women growing up in society. This led to a great discussion of women’s story topics.
I was sad a print edition would not be published with these fantastic story ideas, so we were able to do the next best thing. So without further ado, I present The Shakerite Volume 92: Women’s Edition (published virtually).
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