Letter to the Editor: Leaders Are Forgetting Students

Nov. 9, 2018

Dear Shakerite,

Last night there was a meeting held at the high school to address and answer questions about the issues going on in the school and district. As I’m sure you all know, the meeting quickly escalated into a debate about race issues in our school. I happen to be one of the students who went up on the stage to ask a question, and while doing so, I misquoted the work your paper did on the student sit-ins and walkouts that took place last year.

I’m writing this letter not to apologize for what I said about how our school handles certain problems, but for not giving credit where it was due. I am truly sorry for the mistake that I made. I was just angry at the school system and I took some of that anger out on the paper.

The Shakerite does a great job of addressing events and issues that take place here at SHHS, but that seems to be all that occurs when it comes to issues concerning the minority student body. It’s addressed and spoken on, but nothing is ever really done to fix the problem.

Shaker has had knowledge of these issues for some time, yet they are still very present at our school. Nothing has changed, and as a senior and an African-American student myself, I feel that something needs to be done about it.

The board claims to have plans to make things happen, but like I said on stage last night, by the time these plans come to action I will be graduated. Shaker Heights is supposed to be a place where everyone is treated equal, but our administration is transparent about what is going on and it would seem that they forget who their choices, or lack thereof, affect the most — the students.

I would like to apologize again for misquoting the staff, and I truly appreciate your dedication to keeping the community informed as best you can. I hope something can finally be done to fix these issues and restore pride in Shaker Heights.


Alexander Moses

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