New Game, But the Rules Remain the Same
The Shaker Heights Athletic Department reminds students of spectator guidelines in hopes of discouraging alcohol consumption

Shaker Heights hockey has been advertising the home opener via twitter. Shown is the profile picture.
Police will be present at Thornton Park on Friday with multiple portable Breathalyzers, according to Shaker Height Police Sergeant Daniel Gristino.
The athletic department made announcements this week regarding student behavior for the hockey home opener this Friday, Dec. 2.
“Historically at opening hockey games, probably the last five years, we’ve had at least one incident every opening game of underage drinking,” said Athletic Director Don Readance. “So is that part of it? Yeah, it’s part of it, but it’s just in general–we have to make sure that people are safe when they come to the games and that’s for their own well being and for others as well.”
Bags, outside beverages, food, student re-entry and vulgarity were also specifically prohibited during the announcement.
“I don’t think the high school got it right, it’s usually people who just drink and do stuff before the games, and then they come to the games,” said sophomore and second year varsity player Britt Anderson. “I don’t think they usually bring stuff to the games, especially because the security guards usually stand in the student sections.”
“The spectator expectations are the same as in previous years,” said Readance. “With this being the beginning of the home winter sports season we wanted to remind fans of what is expected. We are obligated to provide a safe and secure environment for all fans.”
The use, possession, selling, distribution, concealment or consumption of alcoholic beverages, are prohibited directly before, after or during school related events. Ignoring the policy can result in suspension or expulsion.
“I don’t really notice [drinking] on the ice, I just kind of hear about it after,” said Anderson.
At the 2011 hockey home opener, seven students were arrested after Breathalyzer tests revealed they were intoxicated.
“We use portable Breathalyzers as a necessary investigative tool,” said Gristino.
A school administrator will also be present at the game. “If somebody shows signs, much like at the dance, that they have been drinking and there’s outward signs, then they’ll be dealt with accordingly,” Readance said.