32 Thoughts That Run Through Your Head in the 15 Seconds Before the Next Netflix Episode Begins:
- What?
- No.
- They can’t just end the episode like that.
- What about the characters?
- What about my sanity?
- Are they okay?
- What if they died?
- How can I be expected to go on when valuable characters’ lives are at stake?
- I have to know.
- I have to watch the next episode.
- No, I can’t.
- Think of all the productive things I could be doing instead.
- All the starving African children I could be saving.
- All the books that are becoming movies that I swore I would read before setting foot in the theater.
- All the homework I could be doing to get myself into college.
- College.
- I wonder if you’ll be able to major in Netflix by the time I have kids.
- Kids.
- Children.
- Think of the children.
- Like the children in this TV show.
- This TV show.
- There’s five seconds left before the next episode starts.
- Okay, focus.
- Four.
- Make the right choice.
- Three.
- Don’t panic.
- Two.
- You’re panicking.
- One.
- Okay, maybe just one more…