Senior Raiderettes Say Goodbye

Senior Raiderette’s dance at the Senior Show
Even in the 40 degree weather and rain, the Raiderettes looked thrilled to be dancing. Their special gold boots and dance with the senior boys in the marching band made them stand out at their show.
Saturday Nov. 1, Shaker’s last football game and Senior Show, was the finale to this year’s Raiderette season. The Senior Show is a time for the band and football team to say goodbye to their senior players. This year the senior Raiderettes put on a special performance for their last dance with the team.
“I’m going to miss the performing and the sense of accomplishment that comes with it,” said Raiderette team captain Bonnie Sutherland. The seniors had a sad parting from the team, after their last year dancing on the familiar field.
For the halftime show, the senior dancers choreographed their own routine.
The senior Raiderettes said that most of all, they will miss their friends on the team. “I’ll miss the family of girls that I have grown so close to. All of the girls were not afraid to be themselves and that allowed us to have an amazing and crazy fun season together. I couldn’t ask for a more amazing group of girls to dance and laugh with,” said Raiderette lieutenant Casey Crowley.
Shami Mitchell, another senior and first lieutenant of the Raiderettes, said, “I will ultimately miss the different relationships and bonds I was able to create this year with all the juniors and underclassmen. They are what makes the team a team and I can honestly say that I will miss each and every one of them.”
The senior Raiderettes also leave behind their many responsibilities as a lieutenant or captain. “We plan bonding activities, choreograph dances, organize the squad, order apparel, teach cadences and act as role models along with the other experienced Raiderettes for the squad,” said Crowley.
“As first lieutenant, I believe you need to be a strong leader and you also need to make sure you can manage your time well, because although it is a very fun activity, it involves a lot of your time and you have to be able to make a time commitment, to ensure you will have a great season,” said Mitchell.
“I am really going to miss just having them around when I need help with something. It was sad knowing it was our last time performing with them, but the show was still a lot of fun.” said freshman Raiderette Paige Campbell.
Lieutenant Julia Rossman said she will also miss the football games. “Besides my girls, definitely being part of the football games. There’s such an energy and sense of Shaker pride that can only be found out there in the field.”
Sutherland said, “I’m really going to miss seeing my friends every morning at practice and goofing around with them.”