Let the Disruptions Begin
Delayed-start schedule is in effect for this year’s first round of state testing
For non-testing students, school begins at 12:39 p.m. today and 12:09 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday to accommodate state exams.
The daily schedule is significantly altered today through Wednesday while students take or retake state-mandated end of course exams.
While testing begins at 8 a.m. each day, classes will begin at 12:39 p.m. today and 12:09 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday. The schedule was emailed to teachers Nov. 17, and parents were informed of it Nov. 26 in a weekly robocall from Principal Jonathan Kuehnle. In addition, the schedule was also given in the announcements the week of Nov. 27. The full bell schedule can be found at shaker.org.
Freshman Michael Bond said that he found out about the new testing schedule at school last Monday morning from three or four of his teachers.
End of course exams are tests that all high school students must take to earn their diplomas. There are seven such tests. Depending on their scores, students can earn up to five points toward graduation per test. Students need 18 points to graduate.
This week’s testing is for students who have to retake the EOC, students who did not take required EOC tests last year and first-semester Government students; not everyone has to take a test during this testing event. The English test occurs today, the math tests Tuesday, and the history, science and government tests Wednesday.
During these three days, each academic class will meet two times for 40 minutes each meeting. Times and dates of the classes can be found on the bell schedule. “It’s good for the teachers that each class gets about the same meeting time. It makes the schedule more convenient,” Bond said.
Testing ends at 11:45 a.m. today and 11:15 a.m. Tuesday and Wednesday. There will only be one lunch period, which occurs right after testing. Students who are not taking a test are permitted to come to school before or after lunch on those days. School will not end at 2:58 p.m. but will end at 3:31 p.m. today, and 3:45 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday.
“I hate losing teaching time, and that’s what’s happening, but I also know that we have to get it done,” math teacher Lori White said. “It only takes one teaching day, but it really seems to mess up the schedule.”
This testing schedule will also allow students who are not taking an advantage. “It allows us to get more sleep, which I think is very beneficial for high schoolers,” sophomore Reese Pulver said.
The high school has used a variety of different schedules in the past. White is optimistic about this year’s change. “I hope they can work out the kinks and have it run as smoothly as possible. Every year is a learning year, and if we get it running smoothly, then in the spring, [testing] will be a little better,” White said.
One concern is that the schedule may be difficult for students to follow. “The schedule is very confusing, but I believe it is necessary and I understand why it’s in place,” Bond said.
White said that she thinks her students will figure out the schedule with minimal confusion.
White concluded, “I think that they are trying to make the best out of a bad situation. We have to get this testing done, and they are doing the best they can.”