Why did you decide to run?
Josh Podl said he is interested in Student Council and in improving his class. “I want to make my class better and have more money,” he said.
Did you run last year? Have you held office previously?
This is Podl’s first campaign.
What’s your campaign strategy? Are you using social media?
Podl said he does not really have a strategy. “I did not make any posters,” he said. He hopes he can win votes with his speech.
Why should people vote for you? What are your advantages over the other candidates?
“I am good at math, which you need to be if you are running for treasurer,” said Podl. He said he would “try to come up with good money-making strategies.”
If elected, what three things would you need to achieve to feel you have been successful?
Podl reiterated the importance of “good money-making ideas,” as well as the need to “contribute ideas, make it feel like I have made an impact.” Finally, he noted the need to “keep up with everything” with Student Council and the class.