David Glasner Appointed Substitute High School Principal
Glasner will be serving in the role until Kuehnle’s review is finished
Dr. Stephen Wilkins, interim superintendent, and David Glasner speak to staff about Glasner’s current position at the high school during a faculty meeting in the small auditorium Nov. 2.
David Glasner assumed the role of substitute high school principal Nov. 2 following Principal Jonathan Kuehnle’s placement on administrative leave the previous day.
Glasner served as principal of the middle school from 2014-18. Since July 1, 2018 he has been executive director of curriculum and instruction for the district. Before coming to Shaker, Glasner served as principal of Urban Assembly Academy of Government and Law, a public high school in New York.
Glasner will serve as substitute principal until the administration concludes a third-party investigation of the concerns that prompted Kuehnle’s leave. The investigation may take about a month. At its conclusion, Kuehnle may return to his position, or the district may terminate him and hire a long-term substitute principal.
Glasner said his work as executive director of curriculum and instruction will be dispersed to other administrators or put on hold.
“These circumstances are nothing we anticipated or wanted to be doing, but I’m excited to be working with everybody here,” Glasner said. “I really mean it when I say that this is a great team, and there are great students here. There are a lot of fantastic things happening here, and I’m excited to be a part of that.”
Glasner has been visiting with students and teachers at the high school. “Right now I’m really just trying to get a sense of where we are before I start thinking about what to work on,” he said. “I think my main priority is keeping the school functioning smoothly and ensuring that we are set up for a transition to a long-term leadership, whatever that looks like, when this investigation is complete.”
“I’d like to be working with our students, working with our administrators, working with our staff to keep things moving forward and identify areas of need,” he said. “When the opportunity emerges, to do some longer-term planning, because there are some decisions we are going to need to make around this time of year.”
Glasner plans to continue all policies put in place by Kuehnle, including the student ID policy. “All the policies that relate to student safety, that align with our district handbook — all of those things, of course, will stay in place. I would put the student ID policy in that category,” he said.
Glasner hopes to meet with Student Council soon. He is also now receiving the tips from the anonymous tip line instituted by Kuehnle.
The district will convene an open meeting for the community at the high school on Thursday, Nov. 8 at 6:30 p.m.
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