Car Accident Clutters Oval
School bus scrapes car Tuesday morning before school

A Shaker school bus scraped the driver’s side of a car Nov. 19 on the Aldersyde Oval.
“It was really scary,” said junior Caroline Creed, who saw the accident. “I didn’t know what to do! I didn’t know what was going on.”
The accident occurred before school began. Police had arrived by 8:27 a.m. in a K-9 Unit vehicle. No other emergency teams, including an ambulance, were seen.
“I was coming down the Aldersyde side, and there were cars parked, and then there was a car next to them, presumably dropping someone off,” said Creed, “and I see a bus with a handicap sign drive and it totally scrapes the entire side of the car that was letting off the kid, and right away I see the security guard running over.”
Shakerite Opinion Editor Hillary Lacks said she “saw some kids standing on the bus.They looked pretty little, but I couldn’t really tell.”
The Shakerite has not been able to reach the bus driver, the damaged car’s owner or the police officers who arrived at the scene at this time.
The accident delayed traffic on the Oval.
“There was one car in front of me, so I couldn’t go forward obviously, but then as other cars started to come . . . they tried to go through . . . and people were honking,” Creed said. “So they opened up the front route, where you can go in the front, you know. It’s usually closed off in the morning.”